
Osteopathy was developed by American frontier physician, Dr Andrew Taylor Still. He discovered Osteopathy in 1870 and it was formally taught from 1892 onwards.

Osteopathy is founded on the intimate study of applied anatomy and physiology to observe the dynamic healing of the whole person. Through a sense of touch, ‘knowing the normal’ of healthy tissue function enables an Osteopath to recognize dysfunction and disease. Knowing normal allows an Osteopath to restore health to disturbed tissues whether from illness or trauma. The founding precept of Osteopathy is the knowledge of the inherent wisdom of the body to heal itself.

“Osteopathy is based on the perfection of Nature’s work. When all parts of the human body are in line we have health. When they are not the effect is disease.”
A.T. Still MD, DO, Osteopathy Research and Practice

“To find health should be the object of the doctor. Anyone can find disease.”
A.T. Still MD, DO Philosophy of Osteopathy

“When all of the fulcrums are synchronized there will be peace and harmony.”
W.G. Sutherland DO

Dr Andrew Taylor Still-Osteopath, holding leg bone. Picture is black and white. Dr Taylor Still is a senior white man with a beard and glasses, sitting on a bench. Picture is victorian era.